Zeynep - intro photo


Zeynep is a shy kind of model and likely a total amateur. She is quite the busty lady with some fantastic tits and a nice smile. She seems to have a very warm kind of personality which I know some people here will appreciate. Her pussy spreading work does however leave a lot to be desired, and if you here for that, you may be a little disappointed. She has these thick lips that are surprisingly small. Inside them is a tiny hole. She does not spread it much, and I can't imagine it being an easy hole to work with. She has a lot of hair in the region under her pussy, for those that are interested. Her spreading in other positions is basically non existent. From standing and rear positions she just kind of grabs on to her ass a little. This is nothing a little practice and maybe assistance can't help.

相应的美图资源如下: ZEYNEP - 2021年4月29日.


时长: 12:30



美足 扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 紧致的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤 丰满的 厚重



MEMBER-17736 1133天前

Damn, she got some nice titties. And a beautiful figure as well. Oh, and her pussy looks delicious! Great job! :)

MEMBER-17055 1133天前

Admittedly, despite having seen several similar ones on the stairs, this one in particular is very good.
By the way, fate has wanted that, being a member on another site, I find more videos in the same house, fucking on the couch, in the gym by the pool, under the stairs, etc. I wonder if the house is shared by several studios or if Jiri produces for more sites.

ADMIN 1133天前

The house is rent by Jiri but from time to time another production company is invited to use it if the house is free that day.

Jiri's only other work can be found at LoveWetting.com.

MEMBER-17055 1133天前

Interesting, I had never come across that site. PJPiss would have been nice ;-) Thanks for the clarification.

MEMBER-17792 1131天前

Though I really like her cunt entrance, it would be really nice to see her vagina hole too. There were glimpses of it but only glimpses. Shy girls should not be on this site!

MEMBER-19217 938天前

Let's get her back in here.

MEMBER-20536 798天前

beautiful girl with large boobs that are faantastic
her inner labia are large and love them
omg she is tight




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