Sally - intro photo


Lets dig in and talk about Sally and her pussy.

Sally looks really good in her red dress. She drops her panties about thirty seconds in. Then, she lifts up her dress and we get to see he ass. Her bottom is quite nice, and big. The camera shifts underneath her, and we get to gaze at a very unique looking pussy. For one, it is a small pussy. Her pussy lips are tiny, and her clit seems to be able to tuck itself away, unless her pussy is opened.

Sally has some nice boobs, as well as a pretty nice ass. Her asshole is a bit lumpy, which may or may not be pleasing to you. Her face and eyes are very pretty as well. Sally goes through many poses, front, side and back, and shows you her pussy all throughout. We also take a closeup of her feet. She does not get her pussy all that open, but the content is sexy anyway. You will be intrigued by the unique look of her pussy.

相应的美图资源如下: SALLY - 2018年3月8日.


时长: 18:40



扩张 高跟鞋 美足 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 熟女 深色皮肤



MEMBER-7112 2521天前

I like forest free Tasmania. She has shaved her omanko completely. Very good for viewing pleasure. And show us more of your inside please.

MEMBER-9680 2521天前

Love that she is gizmo free and is spreading and showing us everything naturally. She has a beautiful asshole.

MEMBER-5958 2520天前

I like how fast she drops her panties and lifts the skirt. She knows exactly what we want to look at.

MEMBER-6568 2519天前

Any chance of any VR content in the near future? I'd pay a premium for that...

MEMBER-6128 2518天前

She is really good, I also like the poses very much. If she was more vocal she could be one of my favs :D

VR would be awesome, but it is really hard to create GOOD VR content. I guess time will tell!

MEMBER-6568 2518天前

The best VR content I've seen so far is CzechVRFetish. There's some good scenes there but nowhere near enough gaping. If PJGirls could bring some gaping VR to the market it would be awesome! :D

ADMIN 2517天前

I think we have missed the whole VR thing but when we did a survey only a very very small percentage of our customers admitted having glasses to watch VR content. But perhaps VR could have been a tool to attract more new customers, who knows. Usually we admit having made a mistake when it's already too late :-D

MEMBER-6568 2517天前

I remember the survey :-) I didn't have VR glasses at the time but have since acquired them and would be surprised if I was the only one. It's never too late... ;-)

MEMBER-6098 2510天前

Well, the survey almost a year now, how about that make a bonus video of VR see how the feedback goes, and then decide to continue with the VR idea or not. Plus I think most people must hav one VR headset. They re not that expensive unless you want the most expensive one then ...

ADMIN 2509天前

What VR equipment is needed for filming such videos? I have a feeling it's not cheap...

MEMBER-10180 2452天前

In the beginning, interesting viewpoint from below.
Great close-up shot starting from 13:50. She opens up the vagina almost enough to see the cervix.
She keeps the pussy very tight so it's hard to see internals.

MEMBER-7839 2140天前

Sally's vagina is the top and she manages to create such wonderful pussy sounds. Her glands on each side of the peeinghole are so cute. Unfortunately, you only see her cervix gliding past, no close-up!

MEMBER-14508 1818天前

More Sally please. By the way, what is her full name? Sally is too common to be famous for a porn star's career...

MEMBER-19658 1013天前


MEMBER-21145 888天前

There are. 7 reasons I like this video.
1 The girl is gorgeous
2 She is completely naked
3 She ha a beautiful body
4 She has no tattoos
5 Her cunt is shaved
6 She has her cunt spread wide open for my pleasure and delight
7 She smiles at me while she does it.
Excellent video

MEMBER-22384 535天前

Somehow I knew I was going to enjoy this video before it started.
her body form is just what I'd like to see more of. Not her toenails!
Well done Sally for getting it all out there before you lose the raw appeal.
I echo Cuntgapes comments.




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