This video is for cunt-lovers, because Barbara is already completely naked, lying comfortbly in the corner of a couch, with her big tits pointed to the sky, her legs spread wide open, black stcckings and garter belt framing her wet pink vagina, which is already being opened wide with a clear plastic speculum. And if that wasn't enough to get you started, just remember that that is how most of this video progresses, with a wide open cunt being pleasured over and over again, pointed straight at you, well lit and gaping, so that every detail (from her long dark labia, to her big prominant clitoris, all the way down past her rippling vaginal walls to her shiny, well defined nulliparous cervix) is clear for you to see in loving, closeup detail.
Nathaly is on hand to lend aid (ensuring that the speculum points in the right direction, and only at the end of the video to "lend a hand" in manually opening Barbara up). Sometimes I try to mix up the descriptive words, but in this case... well, Barbara has a beautiful big open cunt, and there's not many other ways to describe it. Her smoothly shaved, completely bald pussy lips are perfection, and she gapes so wide that you can see her vagina flatten out at the bottom, touched with some clear natural lubricating secretions.
So when she pulls out the pink and leopard pattern vibrator and applies it to her clit, we know we're in for a show to remember. Nathaly caresses Barbaras nipples and keeps the speculum aimed at the camera while Barbara rubs her clit with the vibrator. Its a good thing Nathaly is there, because Barbara cums quickly and shudders and jerks her body as her vagina spasmodically clenches on the speculum. After a few moments rest, she's at it again, this time with the camera in for a closer look into her lubricated pink hole (you can see the slick mucous on her cervix and posterior vaginal wall), and soon it is bucking orgasm number two, with her vagina clenching and her cervix bouncing as her whole body shudders with pleasure. But neither she (nor our photographer) are done yet, so only a few seconds pass before the buzzing vibrator starts Barbara up the ramp for another crashing orgasm. This one is even stronger the the first two, because she holds the vibrator on her clit all the way through her cunt-clenching climax, and you can see her cervix push forward a bit as she bears down on her orgasm.
Gasping and laughing with pleasure, you might think she's done, but no... the camera comes in for a tight closeup of vagina and cervix (with her labia at the very top of the frame being stimulated by the vibrator), and she quickly cums again, this time so strongly that she nearly ejects the speculum. You can see her vaginal walls clamping down hard on the speculum, nearly obscuring her cervix, but Nathaly does her job vary well and keeps Barbara open for our perverted viewing pleasure. For you biology fans, you can even see that her cervix is a little more opened that at the start of the video (when a woman cums during intercource, her uterus and cervix actually suck in the guys sperm a little bit, and you can see that vacuum action in the way Barbara's cervix moves and opens up a tiny bit).
Four orgasms in a little over 3 minutes! Barbara deserves a break, so Nathaly pulls the fully-opened speculum out of Barbara's cunt (and you can see just how opened up she was inside) and then inserts her fingers to show you just how juicy Barbara's vagina is. After all that, Barbara still has her legs spread wide open, and only closes them at the very end.
She came four times! Think you can beat that?
Fotogalerii s totožným námětem můžete najít zde: ORGASMIC MARATHON - 14. dubna 2016.